MRA Young Investigator Awards aim to attract early career scientists with novel ideas into melanoma research, thereby recruiting and supporting the next generation of melanoma researchers. Young Investigators are scientists within four years of their first academic faculty appointment.
A mentorship commitment from a senior investigator is required.
New Genetic Tools to Understand the Role of M6A in Melanomagenesis
MRA Young Investigator Award
Claudio Alarcon, PhD, Yale University, School of Medicine
Decipher the Epigenetic Code Regulating Cellular Dynamics in Acral Melanoma
MRA Young Investigator Award
Junyue Cao, PhD, The Rockefeller University
Targeting Anti-Tumor Immunity in Anatomically Distinct Mucosal Melanomas
MRA Young Investigator Award for Women in Melanoma Research
Kasey Couts, PhD, University of Colorado Denver
Investigating Lipid Kinase Pip4k2c in Regulating Anti- Tumor Immunity
Bristol Myers Squibb — MRA Young Investigator Award
Karen Dixon, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Mechanisms and Relevance of Treg Expansion after PD-1 Blockade in Melanoma
Bristol Myers Squibb — MRA Young Investigator Award
Francesco Marangoni, PhD, The University of California, Irvine
Interfering with Early Cell State Transitions to Prevent Drug Tolerance
The Wayne Stinchcomb Big Orange Melanoma Foundation — MRA
Young Investigator Award
Florian Rambow, PhD, Essen University Hospital
Interrogating Epigenetic Regulation of PD1 in Melanoma- Infiltrating T Cells
Leveraged Finance Fights Melanoma — MRA Young Investigator Award in memory of Michael Konigsberg
Debattama Sen, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital
Tumor-Stroma Metabolic Crosstalk in Melanoma Brain Metastases
Tara Miller Melanoma Foundation — MRA Young Investigator Award
Inna Smalley, PhD, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Investigating the role of FGL1/LAG-3 Axis in
Melanoma Immunity
Bristol Myers Squibb — MRA Young Investigator Award
Jun Wang, PhD, New York University School of Medicine
mRNA-Based Re-Programming of Terminally Differentiated TILs
MRA Young Investigator Award
Yochai Wolf, PhD, The Sheba Fund for Health Service and Research

Jason Luke, MD — University of Pittsburgh — speaks at the 2022 Scientific Retreat